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How do we know exactly what sin is? Sin can be defined in a few ways, disobedience of God's commands, moral wrongdoing, or lawlessness. It’s honestly all the same thing just worded differently. God has given us a mirror to look at that exposes our sins, It’s called the 10 commandments, also known as the moral law. Let’s just look at some of the commandments, and if you’ve broken just one, then you’re guilty of sin. 


5 of the 10 commandments

  1. Don’t take God’s name in vain. Have you used God’s name as a curse word? 

  2. Don’t steal. Doesn’t matter how small it is, Have you ever stolen something before?

  3. Honor your mother and Father. Ever disobeyed your parents before?

  4. Don’t commit adultery. Jesus said if you even look at someone lustfully you’ve committed adultery. Have you looked at someone lustfully? 

  5. Don’t Covet your neighbor's goods. Have you ever looked at what someone else has and envied them for it? 


If you answered yes to any of those, Then you are guilty of sin. the Bible says that the wages of sin is death, meaning that the punishment for sin is death. Doesn’t matter how much good you think you’ve done in your life, you’re still guilty and punishment is due. It’s the same as standing before a judge for speeding or a DUI and saying “But judge, I give to the poor, I live a good life, I volunteer and help out people every day”. The judge will not care about all of that because you still broke the law. In the same way, you can’t “Good” your way out of God's punishment. But fortunately, If someone comes and pays the fine you can be let go.

the good news.

In the beginning, God brought all things into existence. He made man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his image. He told them they could live forever in a paradise called the Garden of Eden. it was full of food and everything they needed. God gave them one rule, don’t eat from the tree of life. Eve ate from the tree of life and Adam didn’t stop her resulting in the punishment of banishment and death for both of them.


This disobedience caused the fall of all humankind and is the reason we live a life of sin. To get back into God's grace he sent different prophets and leaders to bring us away from sin and into righteousness. Unfortunately, men tried and failed. Over a span of thousands of years, God told his many chosen prophets of a savior to come.


2000+ years ago God came down in human form and Jesus was born. As the prophets wrote, he was a miracle baby born from a virgin. Jesus lived a perfect/righteous life and sacrificed himself on the cross as payment for our sins. He died and defeated death by rising from the grave in 3 days. His death paid the fine for the sins we’ve committed.


His free gift on earth is the holy spirit for all who believe in him; the gift after death is eternal life in heaven. But for your fine to be paid you must repent (turn away) from your sins and believe that Jesus died and rose from the grave. Through faith, you will be born again and will receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will counsel and guide you as you follow God’s word. he will always be with you. Once you make that decision to follow Christ, Go and get baptized ASAP. Turn to Jesus Christ, Live a life of righteousness and not a life of sin.

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